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最近整理了一下自己的www.teat.cc域名,而且对于wp clear这个主题可谓是心仪已久了的,所以下载了一份,并且搜到了一份国外论坛的使用配制,主要涉及到wp clear主题的文章缩略图显示,幻灯片实现等等,特地分享如下:

How to Create a Portfolio Page
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a Portfolio page similar to the one shown on the theme demo site.
Step 1 – Create a Portfolio Category With Sub-Categories

What we want to do is create a main category of projects with several sub-categories. So, for example, if you’re a photographer, you might create a main “Photos” category with subcategories that describe the different types of photos within your portfolio (e.g. People, Places, Landscapes, etc). As another example, if you are a designer, you might create a main “Projects” category with subcategories such Web, Print, Logos, etc.

To create your categories, in your WP dashboard, click Posts >> Categories, and create your main category as well as your subcategories.

Step 2 – Create Your Posts and Place Them in Their Respective Subcategory

If you’ve not yet created any Posts for your portfolio entries, you’ll need to do that and place the Posts in their respective subcategory.

Step 3 – Create a New Page for Your Portfolio Page

Once you have your portfolio Posts created, it’s time to create the Portfolio page to display them. In your WP dashboard, click Page >> Add New. Give your page a title, and if you like, you can write an introduction in the content box. You can also leave the content box empty.

Next, on the right side of the Add Page screen, look for the Page Attributes box. Within that box, you will see a drop-down box labeled “Template.” Select the Portfolio page template from the drop-down box.

Step 4 – Create a Custom Field Containing the Category ID of Your Main Portfolio Category

On the Add Page screen, scroll down to the Custom Fields box. Click the “Enter New” link to create a new custom field. For the Name field, enter “catid” without the quotes. Then, for the value field, you’ll need to enter the category ID of your main Portfolio category.

To get the category ID, in your WP dashboard click Posts >> Categories. Then hover your mouse over your Portfolio category. When you do that, the status bar in the lower left corner of your browser will show something like this:

In the above example, the category ID is 3.

After you’ve entered the custom field name (catid) and the category ID in the value field, click the “Add Custom Field” button to save the custom field.

Step 5 – Publish Your Page

Finally, click the Publish button, and you now have a new Portfolio page.

Posted in WP-Attract-Tutorials, WP-Clear Tutorials, WP-Responsive Tutorials

Step 1 – Upload the Theme Files to Your WordPress Site

Option 1: Upload Via WordPress Dashboard

If you are using WordPress 2.8 or above, you can install the theme’s .zip file directly from your WordPress Dashboard. This simplifies things since you don’t need to use FTP:

When viewing the WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance >> Themes
Click “Install Themes” (big tab at top)
Click “Upload”
Click “Choose File” then navigate to where you downloaded the theme .zip file; click “Open”
Click “Install Now”
When done installing, click “Activate”
That’s it!
Option 2: Upload Via FTP

For this option, you’ll need an FTP (file transfer protocol) program. An FTP program allows you to transfer files between your computer and your web hosting account. There are several available, but I use SmartFTP.

First, you’ll need to unzip the theme folder, which can be done with any standard unzip program. If you don’t have one already installed on your computer, Stuffit Expander is a popular option for PC or MAC users.

You’ll want to upload your theme folder to the /wp-content/themes/ folder in your WordPress installation.

Step 2 – Install and Activate Supported Plugins

This theme has built-in support for several plugins, and all but one of them are optional:

Required for thumbnails and featured content images: Get the Image – This is plugin, created by Justin Tadlock, is necessary if you want to use post thumbnails and and/or the featured content slider.

Optional: WordPress Popular Posts – Your Most Popular Posts will appear in the right sidebar in the tabbed navigation box as seen on this site.

Optional: WP-PageNavi – This is a great little plugin by Lester Chan that will add page numbers in place of the “Older Posts” and “Newer Posts” links at the bottom of your pages.

Optional: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin – this plugin will place Related Posts at the bottom of the Single Post page (see example). After you activate the plugin, visit the plugin settings page, and uncheck the box that says “Automatically display related posts.”

Optional: Yoast Breadcrumbs – This plugin will place breadcrumb navigation at the top of your pages. Simply activate the plugin, and the breadcrumb will appear automatically.

Optional: flickrRSS – This plugin will allow you to easily add flickr photos to your sidebar or footer via the widgets panel.

Step 3 – Visit the Theme Settings Page

After you activate the theme, you should be automatically redirected to this page. If not, the link is available under the Appearance tab. We’ve given you several optional settings for the theme, so feel free to change a few of them, and see what sort of site you can create for yourself.

In particular, you may want to activate the following features:

Basic Site Settings
Featured Posts
Subscription Form and Contact Settings
Advertisement Settings
Step 4 – Add Some Content to Your Sidebar and Footer Widgets

Click the Appearance tab, then Widgets, and place some content in your sidebar and footer (if you’d like to use footer widgets). This is also the page where you can add the “Side Tabs” widget which will display Popular Posts, Recent Posts, Recent Categories and Archives (as seen on the right sidebar on this site). You can also place your Subscribe Box in either your wide sidebar or footer via the Subscribe Box widget (as seen on the right sidebar on this site).

Step 5 – Be Sure to Change Your Permalink Settings

In your WordPress control panel, click Settings >> Permalinks, and change your permalink structure to anything other than the default. This will help the theme run smoother, and it’s much better for search engine optimization.

Step 6 – Custom Menus

In WordPress 3.0 and above you are able to take advantage of the custom menus feature. Here is a short screencast to show you how it works.
How to Set Up Featured Pages and the Alternate Home Page Template
In this short video, I show you the exact steps that will transform your WordPress home page into a business home page rather than a blog home page.

The video uses another theme, WP-Elegance, but you can do the same thing with this theme.

How to Add Post Thumbnails to Your Posts
Adding thumbnail images to your posts is pretty simple. Follow the short guide, and you’ll know all you need to know.
Install and Activate the “Get The Image” Plugin

This plugin, created by a savvy WordPress developer named Justin Tadlock, will greatly simplify the task of placing your post thumbnail images right where they belong.

Download the plugin here or add it through your WordPress control panel. Install and activate.

The plugin will search for images in the following order:

1. First, it will look for an image by custom field (custom field name: thumbnail).

2. If no image is added by custom field, it will check for and image defined as the “featured image” on the Add Post screen (WordPresss 2.9+ feature).

3. If no image is found in either of those places, it will look for an image that you’ve uploaded to the post. If you’ve uploaded multiple images to your post, it will use the #1 image as set in the gallery section of your media uploader (click thumbnail to the right).

4. If no image is attached, it will extract an image from your post content.

5. Finally, if no image is found via any of those methods, the default image will be displayed unless you deactivate that function on the theme settings page.

Help, My Images Are Not Showing Up

If you’ve activated the plugin and your thumbnails or featured article images are not appearing, it’s likely do to one of the following issues related to the timthumb script which automatically re-sizes your images:

1. Your image cache folder is not writeable by your server. In this case, the folder that contains your thumbnails and featured images is not accessible by the timthumb script. The solution is to change the folder’s permissions. You can do this by using an FTP program to CHMOD the /scripts/cache folder found within your theme folder. The folder permissions will need to be set at either 755 or 777 (depending on your web server setup).

2. Your web host’s security settings are blocking the timthumb script. Some web host have various default security settings that prevent the timthumb script from functioning properly (Hostgator is an example).

You’ll need to contact your web host’s technical support, and tell them you are trying to use the timthumb script on a WordPress site, but you believe there is a security setting that is preventing it from functioning. They should be able to correct the problem very quickly.

How to Write a Post
Don’t let the title of this post fool you … I’m not meaning to insult your intelligence when I imply that your DON’T know how to write a post with WordPress (I’m sure you do). It’s just that there are a few features built into this theme, and it’s worthwhile to tell you how to get the most out of it.
If you look at the home page of the demo site, you’ll see that all the posts – including the featured posts at the top – display a post introduction (or excerpt) rather than the full post itself. It’s the same on the category pages, archive pages and search results pages. Then, when you click through to the individual post, you get the full post content along with comments and other information.

There are 2 possible methods to create the post introduction or excerpt …

Option 1: Set Theme Settings to Use Post Excerpts, and Use the Excerpt Field

Go to your Theme Settings page, and click “Basic Site Settings.” You’ll see an option to use the Post Excerpts or Post Content (default value is Excerpts). You’ll want to leave it set to Post Excerpts.

Now that the theme is set up for excerpts, the trick is to tell WordPress how to create the excerpt the way you want it rather than it’s own way. Without any other instructions, WordPress will create the excerpt on it’s own. Here’s what it does …

WordPress Codex: “If you do not provide an explicit excerpt to a post (in the post editor’s optional excerpt field), it will display a teaser which refers to the first 55 words of the post’s content. Also in the latter case, HTML tags and graphics are stripped from the excerpt’s content.”

So the solution is simple … Use the Excerpt field on the Add Post screen.

Whatever you place in the Excerpt field is what will be displayed as the post excerpt on your home page. And keep in mind, you will need to add some HTML to the Excerpt field if you want it to be used in the excerpt. Otherwise, WordPress strips out all code including HTML. For example, lets say you want your post excerpt to be displayed just like this:

This is the post intro, and it includes a link to this site.

In that case, here’s exactly what you’d need to place in the Excerpt field:

This is the post intro, and it includes a link to <a href=”http://www.solostream.com”>this site</a>.

If you need some help with the HTML code, you can write your excerpt in the normal post editor, then click the HTML view tab, and simply copy the HTML code from there.

That’s all for this option. Lets move on to the second method you can use to create your post introduction/excerpt.

Set Theme Settings to Use Post Content, and Use the More Tag

With this method, all you have to do is set the theme to use Content rather than Excerpts. Then, when you write your post, simply use the More tag to cut the post according to your preference. The benefit of using this method over the previous one is simplicity. You don’t have to remember to use the Excerpt field, and any HTML code will still show up in your post introduction/excerpt.

Note: If you use the Post Content option with the tag, you may need to disable the post thumbnail. There’s a drop-down field just below the Post Editor that will allow you to do this. Simply select Yes for “Suppress Automatic Thumbnail Placement on This Post.” This will prevent you from having double thumbnails appear with the excerpt.

How to Set Up Your Featured Content Section
If you look at the home page of this site, you’ll see the featured content glider at the top. It’s very simple to add the featured content glider to your site. Follow these simple steps, and you’ll have it done in no time.
Activate Featured Content on the Theme Settings Page

On the Theme Settings page, click the link for “Featured Posts.” You’ll see a setting titled “Featured Posts on Home Page.” By default, this setting is set as “No.” If you’d like to place a Featured Content slider on the home page, select either “Narrow Featured Content Glider” or “Full Width Featured Content Glider.”

The default setting will display up to 5 featured articles, however, you can change this number to as many or as few as you like.

Select Some Posts to be Displayed in the Featured Content Section

If you want a post to appear in the featured content section, simply tag the post as “featured” (without the quotes). To add a tag, simply find the “Post Tags” box on the right side of the Add Post screen and enter it there.

Please Note: The slug for the “featured” tag must be featured for the slider to show posts. If this is not possible, you may instead replace “featured” with “featured-2″ (or the current post tag slug) in the featured-wide.php and featured-narrow.php templates.

Adding Featured Article Images

1. Featured Content Image Size:

The ideal minimum image size for the Narrow Featured Content Slider is 630px wide by 290px height.
The ideal minimum image size for the Full-Width Featured Content Slider is 960px wide by 300px height.
If you need to re-size an image, you can now do so through the WordPress image uploader and editor. If you’re not sure how that’s done, see this video.
if you don’t want to resize your images, the theme has a built-in function that will re-size them for you automatically.
2. Use the Get the Image Plugin – If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to install and activate this plugin. It will save you a lot of time and energy when it comes to using images on your site.

3. Upload Your Image – Once your image is the proper size, simply upload via the standard WordPress image uploader found on the Add Post page (just under the post title). The theme will do the rest.

4. If you upload multiple images to a single post, the theme will use the #1 image in your post gallery (see thumbnail to right) as the featured article image.

Using a Full-Width Featured Image

To use a full-width featured image in the slider, simply upload the appropriate sized image mentioned above, and then add the tag “full-image” (without quotes).

Using Video With the Full Width Featured Slider

If you’d prefer to show a video in place of the featured article image, simply paste your video embed code in the “Video Embed Code” field found just below the post editor on the Add Post or Edit Post screen. The dimensions used in your embed code will be converted to the proper size to fit in the Featured Content section.

Help, My Images Are Not Showing Up

If you’ve activated the Get the Image plugin and your thumbnails or featured article images are not appearing, it’s likely do to one of the following issues related to the timthumb script which automatically re-sizes your images:

1. Your image cache folder is not writeable by your server. In this case, the folder that contains your thumbnails and featured images is not accessible by the timthumb script. The solution is to change the folder’s permissions. You can do this by using an FTP program to CHMOD the /scripts/cache folder found within your theme folder. The folder permissions will need to be set at either 755 or 777 (depending on your web server setup).

2. Your web host’s security settings are blocking the timthumb script. Some web host have various default security settings that prevent the timthumb script from functioning properly (Hostgator is an example).

You’ll need to contact your web host’s technical support, and tell them you are trying to use the timthumb script on a WordPress site, but you believe there is a security setting that is preventing it from functioning. They should be able to correct the problem very quickly.

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本文链接: https://www.sky.gs/websites/phpwordpress/wp-clear-wordpress-theme.html

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